Demonstrating a Circular Carbon Economy in Transport along the Value Chain
DeCarTrans project aims to further develop a process for the production of synthetic fuels from methanol derived from renewable sources. Synthetic fuels could significantly reduce emissions of pollutants. Methanol is particularly suitable as it can be produced and imported relatively easily in large quantities. Large quantities of synthetic fuels have already been successfully produced and tested in the previous C3-Mobility project. In the new project, the process is to be further optimised, “wet” methanol used and the synthesis stabilised in order to increase production capacity.
The synthetic fuel produced will be made available for research and industrial applications. The aim is to increase the efficiency of the process and improve product quality through better catalysts and reactor technology. The aim is to achieve market maturity and strengthen Germany as a business location.
The partners CAC and TUBAF contribute significantly to the synthesis and utilise over 86% of the funds. CAC focuses on the technological optimisation of methanol-to-gasoline (MtG) synthesis in order to improve fuel quality and stabilise production. Important tasks include defining the optimum fuel composition for the period after 2030, developing ideal process conditions and producing low-emission petrol products. This work will be carried out in CAC’s laboratory facility and in TUBAF’s large-scale test facility.
The project is divided into several work packages (APs), each of which has specific tasks and objectives. For example, AP C3 of CAC includes a literature study, the completion of a test reactor and the collection of experimental data. Other work packages are concerned with optimising the large-scale test facility, conducting fuel production trials and evaluating the commercial operability of the technology. The milestones of the work packages include the successful conversion of the plant, the implementation of the first campaigns with new technology and the handover of the petrol produced to project partners.
Milestone planning is crucial to the success of the project. CAC and TUBAF set clear targets, such as completion of the plant conversion after 12 months and petrol production in the large-scale pilot plant after 43 months. Challenges such as delays due to supply problems or technological difficulties are expected and strategies are being developed to overcome such problems. The project aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility and economic viability of synthetic fuel and create a basis for market ramp-up.