We have good reason to celebrate!

The DeCarTrans project for the development of renewable fuels, which is coordinated by FEV, is officially “Innovator of the Year 2024” (Innovator des Jahres) and thus the winner of the biggest public award in the German industry.

In addition to the title “Innovator of the year”, the project has also been nominated for the highly coveted audience award.

And now you come into play: Support DeCarTrans until November 15 on the audience award website at https://www.innovator-des-jahres.com/voting/ and help us to increase visibility and raise awareness for the development of sustainable fuels.

In this project, funded by German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport, FEV together with its five project partners CAC ENGINEERING GMBH, Lother GmbH, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Coryton have the goal to develop a method for the industry-scale production of synthetic fuels based on sustainably sourced methanol.
After only three months, the first 15,000 liters were handed over. Until the end of the project in September 2026, in total 380,000 liters will be produced in the modernized plant in Freiberg (Saxonia, Germany).